Earth Day Plein-Air Painting

Tuesday, Apr 22, 2025 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Celebrate Earth Day "en plein air" by painting outside at Gabriel Richard Park along the Detroit Riverfront! In partnership with TEAD One Memorial and the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, participants will be provided canvases and paints to create their own work of art inspired by the nature around them. 

French for "in the open air," en plein air refers to the practice of painting outdoors, directly from nature, capturing the essence of a landscape or subject by incorporating natural light, color, and movement. 

The program will begin with a walk around Gabriel Richard park to look for inspiration. Participants will then return to paint what they saw, either completely free form or under the direction of TEAD One teaching artists. All ages are welcome and all materials will be provided. Participants are welcome to bring their own canvasses or paints if preferred. Tables will be provided at Christopher Stroh plaza, and participants are welcome to bring blankets or folding chairs to sit on the grass and paint.  

Please note this program will take place completely outside - please dress for the weather. In case of extreme weather, programming will be rescheduled for the following day, April 23. 

Water fountains and restrooms are available on-site. Outside food and beverages are welcome; alcohol is prohibited. 

Limited free parking is available at Gabriel Richard Park. Participants are encouraged to carpool, use public transit, or bike. DDOT bus #9 has a station right at the park entrance. Bike racks are available in Stroh plaza. 

This Earth Day Collaboration Project was made possible by a Creating Culture Grant from Culture Source, bringing the Riverfront and Community together in a creative way.