Earth Day Eve Story Hour with Dr. John Hartig

Wednesday, Apr 21, 2021 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm

We are inviting our $100+ donors to celebrate the eve of Earth Day with Dr. John Hartig and the Detroit Riverfront. From the Largest Stove in the World to the burning of sturgeon for fuel, you’ll hear fascinating stories of the Detroit Riverfront’s past, present, and future at this virtual gathering. Riverfront supporters will learn how the Strait of Detroit has transformed over the years through conservation and the development of our treasured parks and greenways.

Dr. John Hartig is a Detroit Riverfront Conservancy board member, Great Lakes scientist, Fulbright Scholar, author, and conservationist working to accelerate the sustainability transition.

Click here to make a donation and join the fun!

Existing $100+ donors will receive an email invitation to register for the event.

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